

Cookie (COOKIE): Transforming Web3 Marketing With AI

Traditional Web 2.0 marketing has a problem, or actually quite a few of them. For starters, it’s hard to correctly attribute the most effective sources of quality customers for campaigns run by businesses online. Transparent and effective measurement of campaign efficiency by specific sources is often a struggle for marketing analytics departments. In addition, influencer marketing efforts are hamstrung by the difficulty of identifying the correct key opinion leaders (KOL) and rewarding them based on genuine contribution rather than follower counts or other superficial statistics. Finally, many marketing campaigns prove ineffective as they target low-quality users, many of whom are bots, dormant accounts or mercenary users disinterested in long-term genuine participation.”,”attrs”:{“style”:{“font-size”:”11pt…更多内容Cookie (COOKIE): Transforming Web3 Marketing With AI


Coindesk 报导,出於北美夏季热浪的来袭、以及矿商在减半後初步的竞争减弱,比特币网路算力在近几周出现了明显下降,比特币数据分析平台 Luxor 指出,挖矿难度及竞争程度也可能将渐趋放缓,使得比特币市场价格获得支持。…更多内容矿工喘口气!报告:比特币算力及挖矿难度或将在夏季下降、竞争将放缓

Bitfinex 将募集逾六百万美元代币化证券,打造萨尔瓦多国际机场新门面

随着比特币的上涨,全球第一个将比特币作为法币的国家萨尔瓦多,近期也如火如荼地展开各项建设计划,Bitfinex 宣布正式启动代币化证券发行,将募集 625 万美元,以建设和开发位於萨尔瓦多国际机场的饭店和商场等综合设施。…更多内容Bitfinex 将募集逾六百万美元代币化证券,打造萨尔瓦多国际机场新门面

